NAAP Vision Award

The 2016 NAAP Vision Award

The 2016 NAAP Vision Award

It is with great pleasure that the NAAP, National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis, Board of Trustees announces that the 2016 Vision Award will be presented jointly to Stephen Soldz, PhD and Steven Reisner, PhD. This recognition by the professional community honors their decade long commitment and work fighting for social justice, representing psychoanalysts and psychologists as standard bearers for ethical practice, and putting their personal and professional lives at risk as a result. Their efforts resulted last year in the release of the Hoffman Report detailing psychologists’ involvement in torture and enhanced interrogations. Subsequently psychologists were prohibited from this type of participation as a breach of professional ethics.

NAAP’s VISION AWARD was conceived as a special award to be presented to a psychoanalyst or psychoanalysts who the Awards Committee and the NAAP Board of Trustees feel have made an outstanding contribution to psychoanalysis and its impact on the life of individuals and the community. It is presented to recipients at the awards banquet during NAAP’s annual conference. This year’s conference, “Masculinity and Manhood”, is being held at the New York Law School on Saturday, November 12th.

We are continually reminded by the media of the harsh reality of professional involvement in the deplorable tactics Soldz and Reisner have fought to bring into the open and ultimately curtail. A recent New York Times article, “How U.S. Torture Left a Legacy of Damaged Minds”*, highlighted the shameful repercussions of enhanced interrogations. NAAP stands with Drs. Soldz and Reisner in challenging mental health professionals to demonstrate ethical and socially responsible behavior. We are grateful that they keep us mindful and accountable for essential cultural and ethical values.

Stephen Soldz and Steven Reisner have spearheaded psychoanalytic research education, and development of many cross-professional programs that bring psychoanalysis into mainstream collaboration. They have provided great visibility about the commitment of psychoanalysts to ethical practice. The Committee believes Drs. Soldz and Reisner set a model for the kind of real world, social commitment by the profession NAAP encourages among psychoanalysts. We are grateful that they keep us mindful and accountable for our essential cultural and ethical values.

Learn more about these remarkable colleagues at our website, We invite you to join us, for all or part of the day, on 11/12, to honor these outstanding colleagues.