Co-Sponsored by NAAP

Belonging and Otherness:
Intervention Strategies with Vulnerable Populations

A conference on Zoom
Saturday, February 27, 2021
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

6.5 CE Hours 

In a world of longing for belonging…

Our conference addresses some of the deep-rooted factors that trigger the sense of otherness everyone dreads from our earliest moments of awareness. We long to feel attached, valued, and understood. We want to belong. Factors from within ourselves can inhibit that, as well as constitutional, environmental, and socio-cultural issues. While we cannot address all of these in one day, we present an approach to bridging from Otherness to Belonging applicable to working clinically with all groups. It promotes connecting, supporting, and being curious about the Other. It enables a sense of Belonging, even while recognizing we are the Other.  

In the conference we  explore this concept and approach through the lens of working, studying, and living with those on the Autism Spectrum. Intervention strategies discussed can and are being applied in many contexts and with different clinical, educational, social justice, and interpersonal arenas. Join the conversation on 2/27. We are certain you will leave with new ideas and tools to apply immediately as you go back to work and life.


Dr. Kerry Magro
Navigating Dating On The Autism Spectrum

Have you ever fallen in love before? In this presentation, award winning national speaker Kerry Magro discusses his own personal experiences as an adult on the autism spectrum and being in love. Those in the audience will learn about finding a partner and learning about social cues, empathy, communication, etc!

Dr. Kerry Magro is an award-winning autistic professional speaker, best-selling author and autism consultant to the HBO series MrsFletcher that aired last in Fall 2019. He started professional speaking 10 years ago via the National Speakers Association and has spoken at over 1000 events during that time include 2 TEDxTalks and a ‘Talks at Google’ presentation. In addition, Kerry is CEO & President of  KFM Making A Difference , a nonprofit organization that hosts inclusion events and has provided 86 scholarships for students with autism for college and counting since 2011. In his spare time, he hosts a Facebook Page called Kerry’s Autism Journey  that now has 205,000 Facebook followers where he does on-camera interviews highlighting people impacted by a diagnosis to breaking down barriers in our community. His videos have been watched over 35 Million times. 

Kerry’s best-selling books Defining Autism From The HeartAutism and Falling in Love and I Will Light It Up Blue! have all reached Amazon Best-Seller Lists for Special Needs Parenting. You can contact him about speaking with your group virtually or in person at He is based in Hoboken, New Jersey.

James Christy  filmmaker/writer: film clips, interview
& Talk Back

Love and Communication …a film about a family’s journey.

How far would you go to do what you think is best for your child? Love and Communication is about a couple so desperate to help their son they make decisions that threaten their family. The situation is unique, but the story is universal. This is the story of one family’s journey to find itself, and the resilience and resources it took to make it possible. 

A story that resonates

The play Love and Communication was produced by Passage Theater in 2010.  Word of mouth within the tight-knit autism community spread quickly and carried over to mainstream audiences, leading to sold out shows in the final week.The production won the Brown Martin Barrymore Award in 2011.

James Christy Jr. (Writer/Director/Producer) is an award-winning playwright and filmmaker. Recent plays include THE FOREVER QUESTION, which won the B Street Comedy Festival in 2018; A GREAT WAR, which was nominated for a Barrymore Award for Best New Play in 2016; LOVE AND  COMMUNICATION, which won the Brown Martin Award in 2012.  He was a featured dayplayer in DEAD POETS SOCIETY. (yes, he stood on his desk).

In a world of longing for belonging… 
Intervention strategies that defuse conflict,
deepen relationships, and promote resilience

Patricia Harte Bratt, PhD
Mary Massaro, PsyaD
Vicki Semel, PsyD
Annette Vaccaro, EdD, LCSW, SCP, LPC, ATR-BC

Conference Fees

Event Fee – $135.00
Student Fee – $65.00
CE Certificate – $15.00

Saturday, February 27, 2021 from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM EST

Online on Zoom

Conference Schedule

8:20am Zoom Waiting room opens

9:05 – 9:15 Introduction

9:15 – 9:45
Resilience & The Step Back Method
Patricia Bratt, PhD
Vicki Semel, PsyD

9:45 – 11:45
“Navigating Dating On The Autism Spectrum”
Kerry Magro, PhD.
10:45 – 11:45
Interview and Q/A

11:45 – 11:55 BREAK –
Grab your lunch & sit back to eat while enjoying our terrific, midday presentation.

12:00 – 1:20
Lunch Presentation
Mary Massaro, PsyaD

“Love and Communication”
James Christy

1:20 – 1:30 BREAK

1:30 – 2:30
Transformational Conversations
– Interventions for Parents and
Children and Q/A

   Annette Vaccaro, EdD, LCSW, SCP,

2:30– 3:20 Discussion groups

3:20 – 3:50 – General Session/Wrap up

Full CE

CE Provider for:
NY Psychoanalysts
Social Workers
NY Social Workers
Mental Health Counselors (NBCC)
Art Therapists
Marriage & Family Therapists


Lori Feigenbaum

ACAP Conference Committee
Patricia Bratt
Lori Feigenbaum
Mary Massaro
Vicki Semel
Annette Vaccaro

iStrive Committee              
Susan Carnes
Maria Crisostomo
George Grant
Lisa Thomas

Student Organization Committee
Marguerite DeRosa
Carol Harte
Andrew Iannaconne
Casssio Campello Menezes
Patricia Ulis