GPSA534 Trauma and the Resilient Mind: Contemporary Theories (3 credits)
Thursday, 7:10 – 9:30pm GPSA 534 Trauma and the Resilient Mind: Contemporary Theories/Bratt & TA Miele
This course is designed to introduce students to an understanding of the various types of trauma generating maladaptive, emotional stress reactions, a grasp of the developing concept of resilience and the adaptive responses that promote it. Major theories and theorists investigating the developmental, relational, conscious and unconscious aspects of the trauma/resilience phenomenon will be presented. Methods for assessing trauma responses and current therapeutic interventions will be explored. Class discussion of case material, personal vignettes, required papers and weekly logs will provide an opportunity for hands-on application of strategic intervention design. In depth attention will be given to the study of PTSD theories, secondary trauma and complex and developmental trauma.