One of the cornerstones of ACAP’s mission is the concrete, practical application of our organizational and relationship building strengths to help grow healthy companies and institutions: the backbone of thriving families and communities. At ACAP, this practical application of theory comes under the Applied Psychoanalysis Division of our organization.
Internal Resources:
External Resources:
Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis
Center for Modern Psychoanalytic Studies
Imagine, A Center for Coping with Loss
International Forum for Psychoanalytic Education
National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis
New Jersey Counseling Association
Philadelphia School of Psychoanalysis
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Study Center
The Section for Applied Clinical Psychoanalysis (Section V) was established within the Division of Psychoanalysis (Division 39) of the American Psychological Association to represent and foster diverse views in psychoanalysis through a varied program of professional activities.